We work closely with local community leaders in Zambia to maximize the influence of our faith, work and funding on local communities and the individuals, children and families living within them.
We work closely with local community leaders in Zambia to maximize the influence of our faith, work and funding on local communities and the individuals, children and families living within them.
Growing a local school from elementary grade levels to a comprehensive elementary through high school educational system.
Introducing computers to a local community for the first time ever.
Since 2002, we’ve focused on making a tangible and measurable impact on the people, families, and communities we serve. Read on to see the work we’ve accomplished in the past, and the goals we’ve set for ourselves for the future.
The Growth of a School. What started as just a couple of elementary grades in a local school located within the community has grown to a full educational system offering an elementary through high school level education. With AF-AM’s help, the parents worked with the school to add a grade a year and give their children the opportunity to receive a quality education. In the past, children who successfully completed elementary school faced a 10-mile walk to reach the closest middle and high school. Though AF-AM provided transportation for parents who couldn’t afford to pay for public transportation, this was unsustainable, and we’re proud to have reached the point we’re at today.
Beginnings of Computer Literacy. One of our most recent projects was the implementation of a computer lab for the local school. With 30 computers now up-and-running for the schoolchildren, for the first time ever they are now able to take and pass nationally mandated computer literacy exams, an increasingly important component of learning.
Church Partnership. Since AF-AM’s inception, we have faithfully supported a church in the nearby town of Kafuee. Providing bibles and hymnals in both English and Tonga, chairs, roof repair, and the addition of a bathroom and church expansion for Sunday School classes are some of the projects we’ve engaged in over the last 17 years that have truly uplifted our brothers and sisters in Zambia. The importance of loving believers and non-believers alike cannot be understated, and we make it one of our top priorities to give our church in Zambia the means to witness to the surrounding population and share the love and light of Jesus Christ with any who listen.
Female Hygiene. Partnering with Days for Girls International, AF-AM now provides female students attending a local school with menstrual care kits. Girls who would miss more than 20-25% of the school year in the past are now able to consistently attend school, maximizing their education and the potential to build a brighter future for themselves.
Partnering with a church in the local community to assist them with much needed supplies, repairs, and amenities.
Partnering with Days for Girls International to supply communities with menstrual hygiene management solutions and ensure girls in school have access to the care they need.
School Uniforms. For over 14 years AF-AM has provided 50 to 75 new school uniforms for students per term. Without uniforms, students are unable to attend the local school, and it is a potentially life-altering factor for us to maintain the ability to supply new students. Over 20% of the students who attend the local school we support in Shimabala are orphans. These are the children we help.
A Local Tailor. For the past several years, uniforms have been made by a local tailor rather than purchased ready made in Lusaka. This allows students to receive quality clothing while providing a local entrepreneur and his employees with guaranteed work. Another key factor in AF-AM’s emphasis on sustainability.
Clean Water Wells. To-date, we have dug five wells, providing life sustaining water to twelve villages. The placement of our wells in central and easily-accessible locations maximizes the number of people who are able to take advantage of this resource.
Food Distribution. On a weekly basis, we distribute vegetables, eggs, grain, and more those in need. This includes whole villages, families, and orphans who struggle to make ends meet without the help of their parents.
Bikes for Students. AF-AM has begun a modest project of providing bikes to school students. Before this project, students were walking up to 10 miles to attend one of the three shifts at the local school. A limited number of students now have access to bikes to reduce the amount of time they spend commuting. This effort, along with the subsequent growth in the school, lead another organization to also donate bikes for the school children.
Our small organization has limited funding, and we use the funds entrusted to us in a careful manner to maximize their impact on the lives of those living in Zambia. Each and every dollar gives hope and life to those who are in need. But the work left to be done is substantial. Ministry vehicles need routine maintenance and replacement. There are always more children who desire to attend school, but who do not have the $45 needed to purchase the requisite uniform for attendance. There are more wells to be dug and land to be cultivated. And there are always potential avenues for additional outreach. With this said, a donation of any amount goes a long way towards helping us make a difference.